Friday, August 25, 2006

If Dale Tells You to Watch a Movie, Do It

My most recent post on G2S was about watching a movie Dale recommended.... And now I'm writing here about watching a movie Dale recommended.

I just saw Kathy Griffin's stand-up dvd Allegedly, all because Dale recommended it for the way she rags on Gwyneth (and a whole bunch of other people too). I freakin' loved it! I realize this is kind of second-hand--it's not like I can claim to have "discovered" this movie on my own--but if you like really witty, incisive observations and smack-downs of snotty celebrities delivered by a smart "D-list" celebrity who is only a little bit bitter that she's not the revered diva she deserves to be, then you will thoroughly enjoy the 85 minutes it takes to watch this dvd.

Monday, August 21, 2006

Bowie: "Life on Mars," or E Costello: "Veronica"

Couldn't decide on the best title....

Anyway, the important thing is that SEASON II OF VERONICA MARS IS RELEASED ON DVD TOMORROW! How fervently, how feverishly, how anxiously I have been waiting for the day to arrive! I will be at Best Buy bright and early (well, right after another trip to the physical therapist, because although my hip was all better before I went to Utah, sitting on the plane fucked it back up) to pick up my very own copy.... and then I'll be heading home to sit on my loveseat, work on my knitting (yes, I'm getting ready to blog about that) and watch as many episodes in a row as I can stand before my eyes fall out.

Monday, August 07, 2006

Favorite Fluff Daughter

I have a finicky, fluffy, black and white, high-maintenance cat, Dinah, who likes a lot of company and who likes to licks the gravy off canned cat food but rarely eats the meat. And I have a very nice neighbor who comes to my house when I go away, feeds Dinah, turns on my stereo, then hangs out for a while and plays with her. And I have refrigerator magnet poetry, with which he composes messages to me about said cat. Here's one of my favorites:

favorite fluff daughter
always be happy
little rock symphony played
singing like ships through trips
she licked meat
and cherished friend
our never shave whiskers

Thursday, August 03, 2006

Sword Lily

I totally dig gladioluses, which have been blooming recently in my garden. They are also known as "sword lilies," by the way--the "gladi" in the root of the word is the same as the root in "gladiator." Isn't that fascinating?

I tried to upload a photo of a gladiolus here, in case you don't know what they look like, but the technology is currently beyond my grasp. Yeah, I'm an idiot. Here's a link to one instead.

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Random Fact about Me #6

I LOATHE both canteloupe and honeydew.
